Nanowrimo Story- Chapter 5

The banquet/matilda/red dress scene tied with the old woman/herbs/Becon scene so I'll write both. But I hit a huge wall when I realized I absolutely could not write a believable character named "Becon" I mean, really. It looks like "Bacon".  One scene with the word "salty" in it and I'd never recover from laughter.  So my "Jamie" character needs a new name.  I replaced it with "Nicolas" for tonight, but I'm taking suggestions if that doesn't seem to work (I suck with names...Jim named all of our children).  


Chapter Five


It turned out being in the wrong time and place in history was more lonely than full of intrigue. You didn’t realize how much you depended on all of the little things to connect as human beings. Put me in a room with a deaf patient from Calcutta and in five minutes we would be bonding over microbreweries and flash mob videos on youtube.  Put me in a room with another twenty two year old female right now and I sat quietly in the corner while she played stoolball with her three children.  


I couldn’t even figure out how to use the restroom.  Oh, they were easy enough to find! Your nose led you straight to them no matter where you were inside Gravensteen. It was the wiping and hand washing I couldn’t reconcile and couldn’t discard.  I’d taken to tying a satchel of anise to my belt which I rubbed between my hands with a few drops from the bottle of vinegared wine I’d hidden behind a statue of St. Theobald (who I thought probably wouldn’t be thrilled by his post sainthood bathroom assignation...poor guy).


I’d drawn myself a map of the castle on the the underside of my wine.  The basement had three rooms for wine (which is where my map making and antibacterial handsoap aspirations  began).  I always wondered how they fed everyone without grocery stores. The answer was, they had grocery stores, they were called castle coffers.  The larders were on the next floor up and they were more like pantries that housed the immediate foodstuffs. The Comte Himself also lived on the first floor in the center like a spider in a web.  It was all really quite logical.  Valuables and the lord were ensconced on the first story with kitchens and common rooms tucked in like pillows.  Everyone else called the second floor home.  Boys had their own wing, girls had their own wing and servants had their own wing (and never the three shall meet). Matilda had her own spider web going on, with her rooms in the center of the girls wing and everyone else’s room rippling off of it.  I was such a far off ripple I was more like glimmer of a shadow.  Maybe I was the dead fly at the edge of the web.  


Madame Johanne didn’t seem much interested in my help (probably because she’d asked me to cure the bread and I had to ask the scullery maid what she meant, which ended with the scullery maid getting her ears boxed and my banishment from the lower kitchens).  I may have been forgotten entirely if it was for Nicolas

I’d run into the blonde haired soldier in room off of a room off of one of the wasting rooms. Unlike my quarters, this small room had long windows with enough light coming in for me to try to mend the holes in my shabby attire.  It had been a thorny problem of mine for days.  I didn’t want to ask for new clothes, and no one was offering any, and the ones I had would quite literally leave me naked by Christmas if I didn’t do something to keep them from falling off me.

I’d found the room by accident on one of my map making treks.  It had an inch of dust and cobwebs so I felt pretty confident no one had been in there for at least a year.  Since I couldn’t very well mend my clothes while wearing them, and I didn’t dare show my lack of medieval sewing abilities, I decided this dust blizzard room was my best bet. Which is how I was found with bare legs, no dress, and one completely bare arm out of my kirtle by none other than that soldier I hadn’t seen since the first day. Sun glinted off his leather frock and blonde beard. I froze, needle poised in mid air. He glanced down at my naked thigh, then my naked shoulder, laughed then turned around and walked out.  

Well then.

I had been about to leap to my feet apologizing profusely as I attempted to stuff all my limbs back in their proper casings, but his laugh had triggered a wave of fury I hadn’t realized I possessed. I was doing the darn-freaking best I could under the circumstances, not that he knew that.  I stabbed my needle back in sleeve of my dress and vowed to finish my mending even if he brought all of his men in to laugh too (Lord have mercy).

But I didn’t see him again until two days later when I was practically skipping for joy because Aimee had asked me to gather two buckets of red gill mushrooms with which to make dye. I was knee deep in sow thistle with my hands on a particularly good clump of fungi, when I saw him striding across the small clearing beside me.  I lost my head entirely and sank to the ground hoping he’d not notice the overgrown ratty foreigner with stained red hands.  

No luck.  He came straight towards me.  

“Lady Durand” he said, I noticed he didn’t bow or show any of the other signs of chivalry everyone else seemed wont to parade.  I wasn’t sure if he was more arrogant than others, or it was just me he had so little regard for.  I stood awkwardly.

“Yes...sir..” I realized I didn’t know his name.  

He wasn’t offering it, instead he thrust a wool bundle into my arms.  “The most estimable Lady Matilda sent these for you.”  

I sensed a note of sarcasm on his voice, I wondered why? I shook out the what I assumed to be something else Aimee wanted done.  It wasn’t.  It was a blue kirtle of soft linen, a deep yellow tunic and a brown wool cloak.


I had been threatened, assaulted, questioned and effectively banished. I had successfully not been burned as a witch or locked up in a loony bin. I had gone without food, not spoken to a human being for days at a time, and had memorized (thus far) seven hundred and thirty two ways to walk, talk and carry myself in public.  I should have been plenty up to the task of accepting a bundle of raiment with at least some measure of control.  But no, my lip quivered and my eyes glassed over despite my stern inward lecture to the contrary.  

“Thank you” I said, keeping my head down to hide my face, but it was too late.  I felt a finger under my chin, forcing my head up to face him.  

“Is someone treating you poorly?” The words were so calm and commanding, tears began to slide down my cheeks in total rebellion.  I wiped them away, and straightened by back.

“No, everyone is fine... I’ll be alright... It’s nothing...please forgive me.”

"Ah, is it your father then?" His voice had that deep reverberating quality that sounded sympathetic just because it had won the genetic lottery in attractiveness.  I made the mistake of looking up and making eye contact. Next thing I knew, I’d lost control entirely.

"No...I mean yes… I mean… I don’t know!" Overcome by the exhaustion of keeping everything together for the last few months, I gave up and collapsed sobbing like I hadn’t since...well ever really.

The poor guy (to his credit), held me awkwardly as I cried.  He gingerly patted my head as if I were an injured hound or hawk rather than a strange girl.  Instead of holding me at arm's length or calling for his loathsome men, he held me tight, muttering soothing ‘shhhh’ sounds that didn’t at all match his clanking swords, knives and leather person. I gave up trying to pull myself together, I surrendered to the grief I’d been holding in check for days...months.  

Eventually I came to my senses and realized what I was doing.  He was a soldier...and more importantly a man in an era before male female friendships were a cultural norm.  I pushed myself away, apologizing profusely.  

I dashed away the tears with the sleeve of my ratty kirtle and was nearly overcome all over again. Ugh, it was mortifying.

“I’m penance.”  I couldn't think of the proper way to apologize as I backed away from him.  His high cheekbones were stained with color, but he otherwise was the picture of composure.  

“You don’t need to be scared of me.” As if this ought to be self evident.  I didn’t dare argue with him, although I was a little offended he thought there was so little chance he’d do anything untoward with me.

Voices came down the dirt path that led from the fore building.

“Nicolas man… are ye with some tirlirly-puffkin?”

A man in heraldry clothing and a mail shirt popped into view.  I no longer thought of anyone as dirty or had become the new normal.  Besides, the pot couldn’t call the kettle black.  

Nicolas. So that was his name...or christian name at least…which wasn’t much helpful when you came down to it. I still didn’t know his rank or address.

I didn’t quite have Aimee’s two buckets of red gills, but I didn’t think it wise to stick around here any longer, with a quiet curtsey (which I now knew how to do) I scampered back up the path towards the fore gate.

“If you’re trying to off thyself, I might recommend a different strain.” It was a croaky old lady sitting on the clay stairs to one of the many indiscriminate cottages that blended into the landscape.  Startled, I looked down at my bucket...realization dawning slowly.  

“Oh no, madam..” I was horrified, “... It’s for dye.” She beckoned me towards her, and I was either too stunned or too starved for conversation to disobey.

“You’ll not be wanting red gills for dye, it’s the pink poxies that hold fast the most you just have to add a touch of vinegar.” I noticed she had her foot propped up and swathed in bandages...or rather, I mainly noticed the bandages were a shocking shade of white hitherto unseen except in Matilda’s attire.  

“May I inquire after thy foot?” I said the words slowly, going over them in my head to make sure they came out right.  

“Oui, it’s nothing, just a touch of the ache and euel.”

Arthritis likely or gout perhaps? “Do you mind if I look at it.” My fingers were twitching to do what they were trained to do, despite the unconventional setting.  

She eyed me sharply.  “Usually it’s me asking that question mi’lady.” But she tilted her leg in my direction as if to offer it as an exam of my abilities.  

I unwrapped the bandages gently. They’d been holding a poultice that reeked of camphor and peppermint.  Her foot was gnarled and twisted, with minor edema and stiffness.  Definitely arthritis, and no wonder. No ice, no ibuprofen, no way to manage it with diet or exercise.  I set her foot down feeling useless.  

“Giving up so quickly.”  She sounded disappointed but not surprised.  

I lifted my chin “Have you tried gelatin?” I asked, trying to remember what they called it “...aspic?”

She nodded her head, a little more pleased.  “Aye, good…” she seemed to be waiting expectantly for more, so I went on.

“If you have turmeric, try that with a little cayenne, and avoid tomatoes.” I was totally exhausting all of my folk medicine...mainly gleaned from Natasha who was the resident health nut.  Honestly I couldn’t see how her bones or skin were holding themselves together at all, I didn’t think anything short of a triplicate was going to offer any measure of relief.  

“I think I’m a leetle too far gone to care about the tomatees, but you’ll do mi’’ll do...”  She trailed off lost in thought. “What does Mistress Johanne have you doing, or are you solely in the attendance of The Ladyship?”

“Gravensteen is large and I am small.”  I said.  

“Not too small, methinks” She laughed “Tales of your grand height have gotten as far as Barges Hollow. “  I blushed, maybe I wasn’t so inconspicuous as I thought.

“Meet me here after the morning sup my dear.” She rewrapped her foot in its poultice, smoothing and tucking here and there with skill that would have made an orthopedic specialist jealous.  Finally, she was finished and eyed me with such a stentoriously piercing look I was reminded suddenly of the proprietor of the photo booth at the festival.  

"Be careful…” She had several chins and they all waggled as if in agreement “...there are those who know who you are.”  

“Who I am?” I said “Besides a misfortuned stranger with possible leanings of madness?” I couldn’t keep in the bitterness and frustration.

"I did not say otherwise” she answered evenly “But if I were you, I’d mebbe not stay here too long.”  

“I haven’t anywhere else to go!” Surely she knew that unless she was completely out of the loop, and she appeared to be anything but that.  

“That,” she said “is unfortunate.”  The great bell rang, sound reverberating through the walls, calling the arrival of evening and duties within the castle.  She dismissed me with a nod, though I wanted to stay and argue with her.  

The herald,  who’d attended the soldier Nicolas, found me walking back to the castle.”

“You shouldn’t be walking out here unattended mi’lady.”

What, because there might be people like you about? I thought, but didn’t say aloud.  

“My lord says it’s not safe.”

Apparently for me, nothing was safe.  


Chapter Six

To find out what happens next, help me nail down Matilda's brother's name so I can write the dress and banquet scene without cringing!


Nanowrimo Story- Chapter 4

Whew...this one was hard.  Like Emilie is prone to doing, I had at least 20 tabs on three different windows going...all in an attempt to keep it as real feeling as possible.  Enjoy! 


Chapter Four

The Count’s office was less impressive than the rest of the castle, but that was only because the castle was like ten hospitals hooked to each other with no helpful signs in three languages or maps saying “you are here”. If you could judge the personality of a person by their most intimate room, then the Count of Flanders was a logical statistician in a stark kind of way that didn’t hint at the excessive opulence which would later define the nobility.  This harshness probably didn’t bode well for me. I think I would have preferred the detached frivolity I imagined fancy lords and ladies having, better to slide under the radar.  I had a feeling there would be no ha’ha-ing here.  Gravensteen was the name Aimee told me when we came through the South gates, and it was an apt description, they were all as serious as the grave.  I’d been whisked up to this room without a maid, bath or wardrobe change which flew in the face of every novel I had ever read (which I know was ridiculous, but novels and movies were really my only reference at this point...I was a lowly med student, not a history PhD).

I was standing alone because the rest of the girls had carried Matilda off to bed.  I wanted to follow them to make sure she didn’t need any further medical attention, but I was stopped by a half dozen soldiers who weren’t carrying fake swords and hadn’t bothered to wipe the old blood off the knives that hung casually on leather straps across their chests.  I’m sure it was sheep’s blood, or something equally mundane I told myself.  Right?

A dark blonde soldier seemed to be the presiding decision maker.  He wasn’t quite as tall as William had been, but his shoulders were broader and he had the same menacing “I’m in charge” look, and I took an involuntary step backwards with visions of ravaging kisses and mud puddles in my head.  

“Come.” He had said, and I didn’t dare say no.  I could only hope I wasn’t being taken to some dungeon or some room to be molested.  My feet turned and padded obediently along with dirty wool clad men who smelled like sheep and unwashed testicles, even though I really would have preferred to sit down and fall apart. Unfortunately I’d already learned life didn’t work that way.  If I could have hit the pause button or quit, I would have done it when I was an eight year old standing under a pop up tent in the rain, throwing cheap Costco roses into a hole in the ground where my mother’s coffin lay waiting to be covered up with dirt.  

“Wait here.” The keys were roughly made, but solid iron, the circle they hung on was as thick as my thumb. It struck me how heavy it must have been, that even keys which only did one thing, were more cumbersome than my phone which did everything. In this age you had to wear so much stuff.   The blonde captain (or lieutenant or whatever he was) looked furious about something, but he remained scrupulously stoic as he led me into the inner study. He must be pretty high up if he had keys to his Lordship’s private office.  I waited politely, not daring to move from the spot he pointed to, but I couldn’t help ask on his way out. “Wait! how do I lordship?”  

His mouth may have crinkled into the barest hint of amusement, but if it did, he erased it too fast for me to say for sure.  “You may call him ‘my most esteemable Lord Comte de Flandres’ “

Oh was that all? Sheesh. I really wanted to ask what was to become of me, but I was sure he wouldn’t know, and I didn’t think I could credibly get the words out without sounding as terrified as I felt.  

I thought he was going to stand guard over me like some sort of menacing bronze warrior, but he turned heel and marched out. The heavy wooden door barely sent a tremor through the stone floor...that’s how thick and big this beast of a castle was.

“She looks more like a whore than demens.”

“Mebbe she’s both.”  

“Shet your mouth Gosse, I’ll not let ye talk that way about someone I plan on stickin’ me cock into later”  this casual declaration was followed by muffled hoots and laughter.  

“Whatta ye mean, puteresse are the only kind yeh ever get.”

“...and they make him pay double yeh know, because his hoisere smell so bad.”

“Well you’re nen expert never having rutted anything but a sheep yeself.”  

I shifted my weight from one side to the other, nervous at the openly lascivious conversation going on a door’s width away.  

“Shut up, the lot of you.” came a firm reply.  “Nobody’s touching her.”

“Oh, keepin her fer yourself… never share the good stuff.”

“’s that baby deer innocent thing she’a got... ticklin’ yer bullocks, eh?”

There was a dull thud, and everything stayed quiet after that. I was pleased to note at least someone out there didn’t hold to rape, but I would have been a lot more at ease if I could have assessed exactly how serious and rampant sexual crimes were in this time period.  I tried to remember what Natasha had said (she being the resident anthropology expert in our group), but it was hopeless. I did know beyond a shadow of a doubt, I’d take a fast walk out one of these high windows before I let myself be taken by that group of men out there.  I shivered and swallowed bile.  I could almost  feel the epinephrine and cortisol reaching apoplectic levels in my bloodstream.  Too much more of this, and it wouldn’t matter what happened to me. I needed to calm down and fast.  The human body could only physiologically handle so much stress before it shut down involuntarily...and I needed it to stay voluntary.  

And that’s how the his most holy excellent esteemable lordship Comte de Flandres found me, sucking in great gulps of air and doing the yoga “tree” pose, patched kirtle, tattered red dress and all.  

He cocked an eyebrow, and in my flurry to regain my composure, I bowed deeply like I’d learned from my childhood violin teacher.  Halfway down I belatedly  remembered I probably should have curtsied.  Did they curtsy in the Middle Ages or was that more of a Baroque thing?  Gah.

“Well mademoiselle, you must tell me of this charming custom.” He said laughing.  “Or are you too demens to use your tongue?”

“Uh, no sir...I mean your lordship.” I said forgetting entirely what I was supposed to call him.  

“Your father said you were a great belle, but he should have also disclosed you’re touched in the head.”  He circled around me like a hawk surveying its prey, trying to decide if it was worth diving in.  “But I think perchance you’re not crazy, just foreign?”  

There was a dangerous gleam in his eye, as I tried to discern which was worse...being foreign or crazy.  

“No your excellency…”  During my impromptu yoga I had decided a childhood illness and life of seclusion was probably my best bet.  What did they call polio before they knew it was polio?

“...I was a weak child, and not able to leave my quarters.  I suffered from ...Apoplexy of the Anterior Horns.”  I held my breath, waiting for him to laugh, but either he was familiar with the name or he didn’t want to reveal his ignorance.  

“And your father hired no tutors, you had no servants?”  

“Our Manor was not rich. My mother, she was English and had...opinions.”  I said delicately, hoping he would read between the lines and fill it in with something that made sense to him.  

“Ah” He nodded as if he could picture a English woman doing this.  It didn’t seem like he was falling for it entirely, but whatever he was thinking, he hadn’t tossed me out...yet..

“I will honour your father’s last will, my sincéres condoléances” He stroked his chin, “But I must warn you…” He leaned forward and I saw where Matilda got her steely demeanor. “.. if I find you’re not what you say, or if you’re really a diseased ratiere in the brain, I will not hesitate to execute judgement for the good of de Flandres. Oui?”

“Yes your excellency.” I nodded respectfully. Not wanting to risk saying anything that would incriminate me more. I made a mental note to start a list. There would be categories. Food vocabulary, horse vocabulary, sheep vocabulary, terms of address, indoor customs, outdoor customs, female vocabulary, male vocabulary. I would be extensive and it would be glorious even if I had to write it on the floor with a damn piece of charcoal and memorize it like it was anatomy lab finals.

He called out “Becon!”

“Yes mi’lord.” The blonde soldier instantly appeared. “Take mademoiselle Emilie to Matilda’s quarters and tell her to have her things put in the third bedroom of the charté .”

I didn’t dare tell them I had no things. My presence seemed to be hanging by a mere thread as it was.  I hastily bowed, cringing inwardly at how awkward it all was.  I’d spent a large part of my life working very hard not to stick out like a sore thumb. Now this? It was like one of those nightmares where you show up to school naked, but in this case it wasn’t one big thing, but hundreds of little things I was doing wrong every thirty seconds.  

“And make sure she’s given an treacle draught and bathed in the white mare’s urine. I won’t have her bespoiling the household if she is demens...or diseased.”  

Horse urine? I thought with dismay.  Treacle?  

The soldier grimly took me by the elbow and steered me out into the passageway where the rest of his men were still waiting for us. I braced myself for more bawdy comments, but they behaved themselves minus the random muttering about babysitting wimmin.”  

Thankfully they turned me over to Madame Johanne whose exact job I was unsure about.  She didn’t look like your standard bustling head housekeeper, but she seemed to have a fair level of authority within the castle and I could have thrown my arms around her neck and wept.  Of course that was before she poured a bucket of horse piss over my head.  If i had any visions of keeping 21st century standards of cleanliness, all of those pipe dreams went out the window as I wrung the strong smell of ammonia out of my hair and fantasized about the technological brilliance of terry cloth.  I didn’t get new clothes either although i did get a pair of hosiery that were darned and mended so many times I wasn’t sure what their original color was.  

Surprisingly it turned out to have a positive affect, as people were smiling at me and making eye contact now.  Apparently all one needed to do was smell like animal waste in order to fit in.  Who knew.   There was a wide moat around one side of the castle. On the way in I had turned up my nose and made a mental note to assume there was giardia and other parasites in the water, but now I was reversing that snobbishness and calculating the earliest possible swim I could take. Fully clothed.  

It was my assumption I would eat wherever the servants ate, so I stuck close to Madame Johanne for fear I would get lost and they’d find my skeleton in a few hundred years. I could have done with an IV of electrolytes right now, but would settle for anything in the form of hydration and sustenance. I hadn’t eaten anything much since the funnel cake this morning...whoa...had that been this morning? Impossible.  For a second dizziness overcame me again, and I clutched the rough hewn table in the secondary kitchen where Johanne was trying to juggle giving me a tour while yelling at some poor girl for preserving garlic incorrectly.  She cut a side glance at me, pursed her lips and set me down.  A second later someone pressed a warm mug in my hand and ordered me to drink.  I think I was expecting coffee, and nearly choked when I got a blast of spicy greasy broth and piece of feather got stuck in my teeth. Well then, beggars couldn’t be choosers. I guzzled it down. My paleo friends back at home would be so impressed with me right now.  

“There you are!” Aimee sounded surprised.  What, she wasn’t expecting to find the demens girl in the lower kitchen drinking feathers and smelling of horse urine?  I wanted to laugh hysterically.  “They’re waiting for us in the upper hall.”

We?” It didn’t compute.  

“Yes, you idiot… the prayers can’t be read until everyone is there. Father Pierre is very scrupulous.”  

“Oh, but...can’t I just stay here? I don’t think I’m… suitable for dinner.”  

She looked at me like I’d grown three heads.  Ok ok, i thought, I’m coming. I’d added mandatory dinner to my master list.  

The blonde haired soldier was not in the great hall I noted. But everyone else was.  The Comte himself was at the head. I recognized some of the girls, and a few of the people I’d run into in the stairways and passages. There was a seat next to his Lordship that was empty.  I wondered if that belonged to his wife or Matilda.  As if to answer me, Matilda swept in.  She (lucky girl) had changed and her hair had been washed and re braided.  There was a fiery glint in her eye though, and I knew she was not ‘over’ the episode from earlier.  

“Uh oh, we’re all about to get an earful.” Aimee started shoveling food onto her plate as if it would be her only chance. Was it rude to help yourself when the lady of the house spoke?  I waffled, wanting to follow Aimee’s lead because I was starving, but also not wanting to be terribly rude.  I settled for the shameful practice of slipping what looked like a date off the edge of a platter and into my mouth. It exploded in a burst of tangy goodness. Sweet mother of mercy.  I reached for another.    

“Father, I have something to tell you.  On the way home from Mass, his lordship the Duke of Normandy…”

“Yes, I heard... barbarian. Indefensible.  Shall I demand reparations? Take him to the high court?” The Comte’s voice was level, but something in the way he said it made me realize just how serious the whole altercation on the road was. There was a cadence to the conversation that made it seem more official. Like they were saying this specifically in front of us witnesses for a reason.   William may have been the duke of Normandy but he apparently actually was a bastard and if Aimee’s long recitation of suitors could be believed, Matilda was the most sought after bride in western Europe right now.  The whole hall held its breath.  

“No father.  Unless that is... you want to seek redress of your son in law.”

I was wrong.  Now the hall was truly quiet.

The Comte too, seemed to have been turned to stone.  

“I know..." She said calmly, "...I turned him down.  But I changed my mind.”  And with that she sat down and began ladling herself some soup as if she’d just casually announced she was going to have eggs for breakfast.  

The Comte pushed his chair back and stood up.  “I warn you daughter, what you say here cannot be changed. Do you want to discuss this?”

So I was right, stuff in the main hall did have a sort of legal officialese to it.  

Matilda cheeks were flaming crimson, but her knuckles were white as she put her spoon down. “I am sure. Let the banns be read.”

It felt like something had just been written in stone. The word “banns” seemed to be the spell that broke the silence and dinner resumed.

The Comte though was silent.  

Chapter Five

As usual, to find out what happens next, vote in the poll because you never know who's getting doused in horse urine next. :P

On a historical is the real castle Gravensteen where the Counts of Flanders lived and ruled with a sometimes unbenevolent iron fist. In Matilda's father's defense...he helped bring Flanders out of poverty and into the high Middle Ages. i.e. if you had to live during the Medieval times, France was (for the most part) safe, warm and where you wanted to be. 

Nanowrimo Story- Chapter 3

Disclaimer: The following chapter is somewhere between PG-13 and R rated, read at your own risk.  

Also, I made a typo...Matilda's father was one of the most powerful men in France, but he he was Count of Flanders...not a Duke (count being several steps below duke).  I corrected it in the previous chapters.   

The winner for this chapter was the "Matilda runs into William the Conqueror, drama ensues and Emilie has to use her modern medical knowledge".   Interestingly this scene is also actually true (with some dramatic embellishment).




Chapter Three

“Alard, there you are!” Matilda raised an imperious eyebrow at a disheveled reprobate with a three day beard and puffy eyes.  As if to punctuate this fact, he had a biblical looking wineskin in one hand, and a hunk of bread in the other.

“Sorry…” he said giving her a sarcastic cheer with his wine,  “... our dearest father sent me to the Cottard to explanate the benefits of their preevous agreement.”   Clearly chewing with one’s mouth closed wasn’t a current sensibility.  I could smell his rotting teeth from five feet away and I had a sudden pang for the big bottle of antibacterial hand sanitizer at every corner of the hospital.  

“Who’s this large one?” He asked sauntering up to me. He shoved my cheek to the side with his hand and grabbed my shoulder to turn me around.  “Is she’a man?”

“No, she’s Sir Robert’s daughter, Lady Emilie Durand of Bruges come to serve as handmaiden… don’t tell Papa, but I’m pretty sure she’s demens.”   

His eyes were nearly black.  A fact I could plainly see because I was the same height as him, which was ludicrous considering back at home I had to shove my way to the front during rounds in order to be seen.  I tried to back up, but he shoved the rest of the bread in his mouth and grabbed my butt with his now free hand.  I yelped and slapped his hand away out of pure instinct, and then froze remembering that wherever I wasn’t the twenty first century. .  

He laughed. “She seems pretty normal to me.”  He said “Send her up before father gets a hold of her.”  

“Don’t be a glos pautonnier” Matilda rolled her eyes at her brother and shooed him away from me. I wracked my brain for anything I knew about the middle ages.  This was patriarchy’s heydey right?  I got a sudden vision of myself old as an old and worn out piece of property that had a row of tiny markers in a graveyard as the only thing to show for my life.  I panicked.  Deep breaths… deep breaths.  

“See what I mean?” Matilda had evidently had enough of this conversation, because she gestured to her handmaidens and swept out of the courtyard of the church with all the authority of an attending physician.  I was carried along with them, feeling a lot like the time I’d foolishly dressed up for a halloween party, complete with fairy wings and butterfly makeup only to find out we were going to a pretentious wine bar where everyone was still wearing their corporate uniforms and discussing the dow (when they weren’t taking sideways glances at the perambulating butterfly nerd in the corner).  My current duds consisting of the tattered red dress and patched up kirtle, plus my newfound height made our group an object of interest as we walked through the town back towards wherever Matilda was going.  

Alard walked with us, and I wasn’t sure if he was the chaperone, or the person for whom we needed a chaperone. I kept busy trying to keep from tripping over my flopping shoes and keeping my head down.   The girls around me were talking in hushed tones about the same thing girls talked about in the 21st century.  Boys.  Apparently there was high drama going on about someone who had proposed to Matilda.  She’d turned him down after her father had said yes, but I couldn’t catch all of it.  Honestly I was surprised a woman could turn down a marriage proposal in this time.  And they didn’t seem all that shocked by it, like it was an abnormal occurrence or anything.  I tucked that away for future reference.  Of course it probably helped she was the daughter of the Count of Flanders.

Nobody here looked like I expected them to look and that scared me more than anything else. I tried to put my finger on was kinda like when you watched an older movie and laughed at how dated everyone looked...the poofy bangs and blue eyeshadow of the 80’s on a supposedly Egyptian Cleopatra.  It looked ridiculous.  Well that’s how even the authentically accurate movie felt right now in comparison to what I was seeing with my eyes.  People here were shorter and less hearty looking than the Hollywood extras in historical films.  The colors were somehow more vibrant and real than they looked in paintings.  And the clothes looked more related to the last Nativity play I’d seen vs the last King Arthur movie.  When was I?  Had the Roman Empire even fallen yet?  It had to have, I remembered the nun had mentioned something about Charlemagne, plus the church seemed to have a pretty firm grasp on the culture.  That would put me what...somewhere between 900 and 1400 AD?  I wondered if I would ever know.  It wasn’t like they had calendars around, and I was getting the impression cloth and paper were a precious commodity.  I felt guilty just thinking of all the junk mail I tossed in the trash every day.  

It was all so menacing.  A tightrope of unfamiliar customs and normal behavior and I was wearing metaphorical high heels.  The road we traveled on wasn’t exactly rush hour traffic, but it was busier than I expected.  Wagons and people walking with wicker cages, more wooden contraptions for carrying stuff than I ever dreamed could exist, and sheep.  Lots and lots of sheep.  I was got so lost in thought over the engineering of a baby carrier a young mother was wearing.  It was such a genius design, perfectly balanced with hooks for buckets and holes with leather straps, that I almost completely missed the group of riders who came galloping over the hill until I noticed it had gotten abnormally quiet.

The handmaiden next to me (I’d learned her name was Aimee) gasped, and I saw a wave of pure red rush of Matilda who straightened her back and met the incoming melee straight on.  

“Sir.” She nodded her head gracefully, as the man in front leapt off his horse practically mid stride.  He was as large as she was small.  I could see how he would go on to be the most powerful man in western Europe.  He had that swagger and insolence that didn’t take no for an answer.  

“You letter says no!?” He looked like he wanted to throttle her right there on the spot, but Matilda to her credit, eyed him coolly (now if she were offering groupon lessons, I would sign up in a hot second).  

“Go find a baroness or a comtesse, she’d be much more suited for you.”  She said it in a charmingly self deprecating manner, but her lip curled slightly at “for you” and I got the impression it was an insult of some kind. 

One that plainly met its mark.  The man’s eyes narrowed, his russet hair and swarthy jawline made me think he must have a fair bit of viking in his blood.  “You would do well to remember who you’re talking to.”  The way he said it sent shivers down my spine.  Everything about him screamed power. He was wearing boots that when compared to my sad leather slippers, must have cost at least a year’s wage. His cloak and jacket had all manner of accessories that I’m sure had uses, but also worked to make him look crushingly affluent in comparison to the rest of us.  I was duly impressed.

None of it seemed to have the desired effect on Matilda.  “Yes, mi”lord...” She smoothed out her skirts and flicked an invisible piece of grass away “I am well aware you’re the Duke of Normandy… you’re also a bastard.”  

Even though guns didn’t exist yet, it was as if she’d shot him. He stood stock still for a moment, and we all held our collective breaths...even the sheep  on the road didn’t make a noise.  

"Who the devil do you are, wench?" he demanded. A thick lock of russet hair had come loose and hung down across his brow making him look all the more disconcertingly like a ravaging norseman.

He reached forward and seized her by the arms. She gasped for breath and struggled against him, but succeeded only in looking like a very tiny kitten in the grasp of a lion.

She tried to kick him in the balls.  A time honored defense apparently. He almost lost his balance and staggered backwards, pulling her with him.  He recovered and she slammed into him.

"Oh, like that, is it?" he said, with a grim laugh. "Well, I'd be most willing to oblige you my puterelle...since I am a bastard after all." He pressed her squirming body against him and ground his hips against her.  I moved forward purely out of instinct and not out of any formed plan, but the loathsome Alad yanked me back “Oh no you don’t” he hissed. My mouth fell open in outrage, but I closed it again without saying anything.  He was right, I would likely get both Matilda and myself killed.  

“Why you bloody bast…” Matilda began, but he ducked his head and kissed her hard, cutting off any more insults she might have stored up for him.  He yanked her hair, his tongue roving and pushing in and out, as if he meant to consume her right there on the spot. Then just as quickly as it had began, he pulled back and hurled her to the ground by her braids, dragging her through the mud to toward his horse.

“Put that in your hedge born brain and suck on it when you’re married to some pasty faced liver eater”. He let go of her hair and turned to his horse and men who were all grim faced and deadly serious. His steward handed him the reigns and he leaped up.  He paused, and I thought for a second he might turn around and say something else, but he dug his heels in with a ya! and was off.  

I rushed to Matilda before anyone else could stop me.  While I most certainly did not have any fighting prowess, I made it my goal to get to her and assess her injuries before anyone else had a chance to make them worse.  She lay face down in the mud, and I rolled her over gingerly.  I didn’t think she had any spinal injuries, but if she was unconscious I didn’t want to make anything worse.  Her eyes were open and she was conscious. Definitely conscious.  She trembled like a leaf as I took her pulse and looked for signs of serious injury.  She was going into shock, but I didn’t see anything that looked broken or needed stitches.  Her lips were swollen and would probably be bruised, and it looked like she had a few scrapes.  

“Someone give me their cloak, is there water?”  I knew absolutely nothing about the local countryside and what grew here, and next to zero knowledge about herbs except for one kooky class I took on eastern medicine because I needed an easy filler class.  But I took a chance and asked, “Is there any mint or something spicy growing anywhere? But that was met with headshakes and fear so I shut up and reminded myself that I hadn’t learned the right ways to ask things and what not to say.  “Are you ok my lady?” I kept my voice low and put on my best beside manner, but it was wasted.

Matilda leaped to her feet and I realized belatedly that she wasn’t trembling from shock, but from rage.  She waited for no one, but stalked off at such a determined pace, the rest of us had to hurry to catch up.  I hastily gave the cloak back to the young mother with the contraption I’d admired earlier.  “Thank you” I said, and she smiled shyly, I liked her instantly.  Maybe I had a better shot of surviving if I stayed around sane looking people like her. Matilda and her man troubles looked like anything but sanity.   “Who was that?” I wasn’t going to ask, but if anyone was going to give me strange looks, I’d rather it be this girl.  She didn’t laugh, but her eyes did get as big as saucers and her eyebrows shot up into her head.  “Why miss, that was William, Duke of Normandy...he call hi’self William-The-Conqueror.”  

She said it with such awe I wondered if she could possibly kick it up a notch for the King. I wanted to ask her more, but Matilda and company were already over the next hill and I was going to have to run to catch up.  As I turned to go though, I noticed her baby was fussing and sticking it’s tongue out in pathetic wails of hunger.  The baby’s tongue was covered in white fuzz.  

“Does your baby cry a lot? Does it hurt to feed...him?” I asked taking a wild guess.  They didn’t do pink or blue clothes here.  I hopped back and forth from one foot to the other. I really needed to go, but I couldn’t keep my damn nose out of other people’s business when I saw an easily solvable issue.  

She looked at me in surprise and then suspicion.  Crap. “No no… my baby brother had that mam said genetian violet helped...and apple cider vinegar if you have any….and don’t feed the baby ale.” I added as an afterthought as I backed away. One stark fact stuck in my mind from a book on infant mortality saying the very first baby formula was bread soaked in beer.  If this poor mom’s nipples looked half as bad as her baby’s mouth then I had to assume she might be avoiding nursing.   I wanted to stay, but I couldn’t  “I’ll be at the…” I realized I didn’t actually know where I would be “...with The Lady Matilda. Please come find me if you need anything else.”  Not waiting for an answer, I picked up my skirts and ran to catch up.  Alard was waiting for me at the crest of the hill, he offered his arm quite gallantly.  I couldn’t think of a polite way to refuse him, and I figured he couldn’t be any worse than William-The-Conqueror, current Duke of Normandy and spurned suitor of one particularly pertinacious Matilda.  

At least I knew where I was.

Chapter Four

To find out what happens next, vote below!  

Also, on an interesting note, a few hundred years after William The Conqueror died, they dug up his remains which were reportedly "amazingly" preserved and they had an artist draw a portrait up of him.  It heavily resembled what we think of as Henry the 8th who allegedly later used William's portrait as propaganda inspiration so everyone would mentally associate him with William The Conqueror who was still in everybody's mind as the last word in manliness and power.    

Nanowrimo Story- Chapter 2

When I was trying to come up with story ideas for Nanowrimo, I tried to pick things I thought I could write quickly and easily.  Since I recently read this book about Matilda of Flanders Queen Of The Conqueror (which I highly recommend) I thought I could fairly easily pull off 11th century France.  Boy was I wrong, but all of that to say.  The history in these chapters is as real and close to actual recorded history as possible.   And I'm leaning heavily on the historian mentioned above, and Kathleen Cushing's Reform and Papacy in the 11th Century.   

Enjoy and don't forget to vote for the next chapter! 

Chapter Two

There were sounds of human existence in the form of feminine laughter.  I sat up, trying to figure out why that was so important, why I should care if there were people around or not.  I lived in San Luis Obispo, a large college city that certainly didn’t lack the sounds of humanity twenty-four seven.  So why was my brain searching so intently for human contact?  My foot rested in a mud puddle.  A long narrow mud puddle that stretched off into the distance like a road and smelled strongly of animal excrement.  I couldn’t come to grips with any of it.  All of the possible hypothesis crowded in my brain too fast for me to think rationally.  I laid back down (more like fell) and squeezed my eyes shut.  I remembered a yoga class I went to with a groupon coupon where we were taught to take ten deep breaths and then let it out and hold still for thirty seconds.  It was the only useful thing I’d learned since I hadn’t had time to go to the second class, but the breathing trick persisted as my go to strategy whenever someone’s chart and symptoms erupted in a giant fustercluck. It never let me down.  So I counted my breaths and willed reality to come back.  I got to the tenth lungful of air and let it out, my eyes still squeezed shut.  I ticked off the seconds to thirty in my head, knowing that I was fully capable of handling whatever crisis was causing this delusion.  

But when I opened my eyes, I was still sitting in a overly green meadow swamp with my foot in a puddle of muddy cow poop.  Well crap.  Literally.  I could hear the sound of voices again, this time getting closer.  I struggled to my feet and found myself inextricable drawn to these sounds of people.  

They found me before I found them.  It was a group of women...really tiny women. The smallest one was in the middle. She was wearing a dress exactly like mine...except she had a long white shift underneath it, and there was gold embroidery on her red trumpet sleeves.  They all stopped and stared at me.  At five foot six, I felt like the Jolly Green Giant wearing a bikini.  Never had I been quite so shockingly aware of my bare knees and feet.   

“Emilie…Is that you?” The super small girl asked.  She was breathtakingly beautiful.  Like Rory Gilmore and Catherine Zeta Jones rolled into one.  Her voice though sounded like someone twice her size.  

“Ummm….no...I mean...I don’t know?” I said, unsure of what else to say. If I was unconscious, maybe it was better to go along with narrative in hopes my brain worked through it and woke up.  But if I was in a coma, maybe I should fight it and claw my way back. Or maybe it was a hallucination of some kind.  A coping mechanism for all of the stuff I didn’t want to think about.  “I’m Emilie Durand.”  I said, going for basic honesty in the end.  

“Your father sent word you were coming, but honestly I was expecting a little more ornatus I must say.”  The girl clapped her hands, and two of her handmaidens came forward to me and I had the sudden impression of a rabid dog in a corner and animal control cautiously approaching it with a dart gun.  I held up my hands.  “I’m sorry, I think there’s been some mistake, my father is dead and I really need to get home.”  Did you hear that brain?

“Well yes, we know that.” she said, not unsympathetically but definitely with a note of slow patronization in her voice.  “This is your home now, I’m Lady Matilda.”  When that didn’t get the reaction she was looking for, she added, “ father is the Duke Of Flanders?”

Flanders...Flanders.  Where was Flanders?  The only thing I could think of was a picture of fields and fields of white crosses from the battle of Flanders in World War One.  Was that France?  Was I in France?  Impossible.

“Where is your chemise? And what happened to your kirtle?” I was surrounded by all of them now and they fingered the fabric of my tattered red costume with such shock and horror I felt like I’d been caught taking a baseball bat to a BMW convertible.   

“I will give her new fabric.” Matilda said with such authority, I was pretty sure she could command this whole episode to end.  A dozen head swiveled from her to me as if they were expecting me to say something.  

“Uh...thanks.” I said.  This clearly was not the right answer.  Their eyes bugged out in dismay, like I’d just ripped up a check for a million dollars.

 “ fabric.”  One of them hissed at my elbow, like maybe I hadn’t heard properly.  

‘I am most” I said, faltering and feeling like an idiot.  “...auribus teneo lupum” I muttered under my breath.  

Matilda’s voice pealed out with laughter.  “You speak latin?” She asked, seeming surprised.

“No” I assured her.  “Not unless you count all of the bones in the human body plus the impolite sayings we passed each other in anatomy and physiology.”  I said, not sure whether to be horrified or surprised she’d understood me.  

“You write!” She said, even more surprised by that, than my latin.  

“Well that depends on which professor you ask.” I said, but this didn’t seem to make any sense to her.  

“Professor,” She said, “a Magister?”  

“Nevermind.” I had decided it seemed much safer to go along with whatever she said.  If only because you couldn’t help but want to do what she commanded.  

“We were just on our way to Mass” She dropped her head in a small sign of respect, and I was impressed that at least she demurred to someone, even if that only person was God himself.

The nuns at the local church weren’t nearly as shy or polite as Matilda’s handmaidens who had all given me wide birth as we walked through what felt like miles and miles of dense forests and muddy swampy ground.  I’m sure I must have looked like a fish, with my mouth gaping open, super impressed I could even imagine stuff like this since it didn’t look like any part of the world I was familiar with.   Now I was in a stone room, with stone windows, stone towers and stone statues of bearded men stabbing goblins with spears.  To be honest, it felt cold and dark, and all one color.  Like the world had gone black and white in this inside world of rock.  

“We have Charlemagne to thank for that.” One of the nuns said noticing me staring at the garish artwork, as she yanked my hair into three sections and began to vigorously braid.  I was now wearing the proper amount of clothes, but if I’d thought the red dress was ratty, the chemise I was wearing looked like it had been patched out of three different rags.  But it was clean...sorta.  And I had leather booties on that had molded to someone else’s feet and were upset at having a new host, but those were small complaints compared to what my mind was beating at… trying to make sense of everything. I’d had lots of vivid dreams in my life and something about this did not feel dreamlike. For one, it was too ugly and too harsh.  The stones didn’t look like stones, they looked dusty and smelled like urine.  It was dark in the church, but not in a spooky, gothic way rather in a “this is totally normal” way that shouldn’t have felt normal to me.  

“Why His Grace would let one of his charges out in the countryside half nekkid is matter for Father Jacques if I haven’t ever heard so myself.”  The nun had crossed herself when she touched my bare leg.  ‘Merciful heavens, you’re as smooth as Sister Marie’s rose petals, you don’t practice the arts do ye?”  

I wasn’t sure what she meant by “arts” but intoned it wasn’t crayons and watercolors. Although I didn’t see what shaved legs had to do with God, I kept my mouth shut and prayed.  And then prayed some more when I found myself kneeling on a wooden bench at an altar with someone waving smoke above my head. I wondered if this was what it felt like for someone trying Dr. Pepper or pizza for the first time if they’d just popped out of the serengeti.  What was clearly normal to everyone around me, felt strange in an unnerving sort of way for me.  I noticed Matilda...The Lady Matilda as I’d been corrected twice now... was watching me closely.  I did my best to move my lips when everyone else did, and copy their movements as closely as possible, but I surprised myself (and apparently everyone around me) when I wholly unexpectedly burst into tears when we started singing the Gloria Patri.

“Don’t mind her.”  Matilda told the startled Father who did not look like a Jacques and looked more like a Nick or Ethan. “She is demens, the Duke will take care of her.”  

This soaked up the holiness of the moment like a dry piece of bread, my mind snapped back to the thornier problems in front of me.  What exactly did she mean by the Duke would take care of me? I had a strong suspicion everyone who’d met me thus far thought I was clinically insane, and I had to entertain the real idea they might be right.  What did they do with crazy people in...wherever I was...and whenever I was?  This was clearly an era long before modern accouterments  But it also seemed to be in an era where even lamps and carriages would have been dazzling technological advances.   The Middle Ages maybe?  But when? A wave of panic washed over me as I remembered the major medical traumas of that time period.  Was I before the Bubonic Plague or past it?  There was no way to tell!  And that was assuming I didn’t die of malnutrition, starvation, or some other infectious disease.  I doubted they even had clean water.  


That I was even considering all of this as a real possibility, just confirmed that yes...I was indeed dangerously past the line of pervasive psychosis.  I sank back onto the stone floor and brought my hands shakily in front of my face.  They looked pretty real and normal.  There was the hangnail I’d tried to bite off with my teeth, and the scab where I’d snagged my knuckle grating cheese a few days ago.  Something snapped inside of me, and I realized belatedly that I had to come to a self preservational conclusion.  I was going to have to stop freaking out and either lay down and wait for death or consciousness to come, or I was going to have to catch up as fast as possible and go with Matilda. I stood up, then got yanked back down with a hiss from the girl next to me.

“We’re praying.”  

Oh. Right.


Chapter Three  

To find out what happens next, vote in the poll and I'll get crackin' on the next chapter! (or you can vote on Facebook)

For other interesting tidbits, you can listen to the Gloria Patri here and an 11th century French melody Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour (both of which are still sung today).  

Here is a Romanesque style church that would have been popular in France in the 11th Century.  

Nanowrimo 2016- William The Conqueror/Outlander Story

It was a good thing I wasn't in charge of picking which story to write because they all looked enticingly fun to me and I would have probably tried to write all of them.  The Outlander-esque story won (which surprised me), and so without further ado here is chapter one.  


Time travel is one of those tricky things.  No one really believes in it except maybe the eccentrically intelligent or the imaginative young.  Of course, if it happens to you…



Chapter One:

I was afraid to touch it.  The red dress hung smashed behind racks of brightly colored feather boas and sequined glasses.  It looked dirty at first, then I realized it wasn’t dirt, it was just old looking you didn’t need a microscope to see the edge of every little fiber.

“Come, on… pick the pink top hat and striped vest” my friend Natasha said laughing and pulling me towards the rest of our friends squished in front of the camera.   We’d been at the Sunset Savor festival since it opened this morning and it was way past lunch time.  I was starting to feel like I was running on the dregs of my coffee and the seemingly boundless energy of my friends.  We were all at one of those silly old fashioned photo booths where you put on costumes and tried to pretend to look very stern (which is nearly impossible in a group of four girls).  I reached for the outrageous pink hat and a handful of fake pearls.

“Gracious child, you can’t possibly think of wearing that.”

The photo booth proprietor took the hat away from me and steered me towards the rack I’d just left.  “Your complexion can’t handle that froofy pink at all… you’re much too... ”  She pursed her lips.  

Sallow? Dark headed? I almost expected her to tell me I was a “Winter” like my great aunt Janet always told me.  Which apparently meant I wasn’t allowed to wear “spring” colors.

“Aren’t the photographs black and white?”  I asked.  “It doesn’t really matter what color it is, does it?”  After four years in scrubs, I wasn’t perhaps the best decipherer of fashion choices, but I didn’t tell her that.  It seemed like she felt that was obvious as she pursed her lips and looked me up and down.  

“Yes” she said, almost to herself.  “The red kirtle is just the thing.”  

I definitely hadn’t been planning on wearing the old red dress which by some miracle of divine intervention managed to not fall apart as I was stuffed unceremoniously into it and laced up the sides with leather strips that more resembled beef jerky (and smelled like it too). To say it was awkward, would be putting it lightly.  It wasn’t flattering, it bulged in all of the wrong places, and I wasn’t used to people being all up and personal with my armpits.  The (I’m sure) lovely proprietor certainly had never encountered the meaning of the term “You really don’t have to do that.”  

“What in the world are you wearing?”  Natasha covered her mouth with her hand.  In shock or laughter I wasn’t sure.  Probably both.  

“Just shut up and let’s take the picture.”  

“You look like you’re dressed in a bible costume from the sixties.” She observed.  “Don’t tell me you’re thinking of dropping out of your internship and taking up being a hippie.”

“I think there’s a definite possibility a hippie died while wearing this.” I agreed “Or at the very least was intensely religious about not showering.” I wrinkled my nose just as the picture snapped.  Of course.  

Truth be told, all of this… the dress, the silly pictures, the festival (the theme of which I never did really understand...sunset savor?), was all an attempt to avoid the big elephant in the room (and by “room” I meant “my brain” since I’m not sure anyone else was trying to avoid talking about it except me.  I’d recently lost the last person related to me. My father. Worse, it had happened while I was pulling a double shift I’d volunteered for.  What was the saying? “Shoemakers wives go barefoot and medical students dad’s die sick at home while their children are busy taking care of others?”   

The festival was some much needed fresh air.  Vitamin D.  People. Oxygen going in. Serotonin levels going up.  I could almost feel my lab results getting better by the second.  Yup, definitely.   Natasha’s passion for funnel cake was what had led us on this particular adventure.  If I’d had my way I would have stayed home and researched whether or not strep infections were more likely to be present in C-diff mortalities or not.  We paid for our photos and thanked the old lady profusely.  I tried to not to make eye contact which was pathetic considering I’d been puked on twice yesterday and had to tell someone with a straight face that no they could not smoke pot in recovery.  

We meandered up and down a few more rows of cheap jewelry and miraculous mops before someone saw a sign that looked like seaweed salad and we all decided we needed to go drown out our deep fried stomach aches with green vegetables.

‘You should crash at my place.”  Natasha said, when she dropped me off home. Maybe I was projecting, but I think she was more worried about ghosts than me. I gathered my bags out of the back seat.  

“I’m fine.”  I assured her. “You know I don’t do well without my enormous coffee pot.”  It was a running joke.  I’d obsessively researched (like twenty tabs on three different browser windows kind of researched)  the perfect coffee maker and proudly showed off the results of my labors to my friends. A pour over. They’d all stared at me for a solid ten seconds as if they kept expecting something more impressive to jump out of my magnificently displayed amazon box.  But no, I really was quite proud of my little funnel shaped piece of coffee magic.  They hadn’t let me live it down.  

I waved good bye as she peeled off.  Every bone in my body hurt. Not from exertion, but from trying so hard to deal with grief in a world that didn’t really do grief.  I would have thought all the cells in my body would have been used to it by now.  I’d lost my mother to cancer when I was eight.  Never had any siblings.  My parents were Berkeley transplants and only children, so there truly was just me.  I shoved my shoulder into the front door to get the key to turn.  The locks probably needed to be replaced, and the door needed to be replaced.  Both were warped in oppositional defiance to each other.  In fact, the whole house needed to be replaced, but Dad hadn’t been up to it, and I’d been...well…yeah.  

It shouldn’t be too hard to sell. I thought, trying to be viciously pragmatic.  A real house on the California coast was more valuable than stones of gold during the Gold Rush... no matter how much it was falling apart. The paint may have been flaking off, and the windows begged for energy efficient justice, but at least it was meticulously clean.  My mother had taught me that, and there’s nothing like losing a parent a young age to make you OCD about everything that was important to them.  I put my bags and purse on the kitchen table and started emptying everything out.  Receipts got scanned and put on my phone, trash went in the trash can.  The postcards I bought of dogs saying sarcastically unhelpful things went into my stationery box.  I always carried an enormous purse no matter what the current style was.  And though my purse may have more resembled a small piece of luggage, no one argued it wasn’t useful.  I’d doled out sunblock and water bottles today like a general outfitting troops before a battle.  I reached in to grab my sweater to toss in the laundry...but pulled out… the ratty red dress from the photo booth?  An electric shock ran down my spine that had nothing to do with ghosts and everything to do with sheer surprise.  How in the world did it get in my bag? Of course since I also had a perpetually guilty conscience I felt terrible!  Had I stolen it accidentally?  Maybe I’d thought I was picking up my sweater and had instead picked up the costume I’d just discarded?  

With trembling hands I carefully shook out the dress.  It didn’t look any better under my kitchen lights.  The stitches were long and uneven.  The fabric looked almost orange and faded in spots.  It didn’t seem worth enough monetary value to hunt down the photo booth owner.  I didn’t even know how I would find her.  Today was the last day of the festival, and who knew where all of the vendors scattered to.  Likely the old lady was halfway across Nevada by now, headed to the next least, that’s what I tried to tell myself even though I knew it was a hopeless justification. I would definitely be on the phone tomorrow with some liaison from the festival, trying to hunt down the proper owner.  Ugh. As I folded it carefully, I noticed there was a tag on it.  It stuck out because it looked at least a few decades newer than the dress itself.  It looked like a regular mass brand tag, that should say H&M or something like that. My eyes read, “Emilie Durand” and I dropped the dress.  

That was my mother’s name.  That was my name.

I cautiously picked it back up.  This had been my mother’s?  Maybe she’d been involved in theater and I hadn’t known it?  Maybe it really was hippie garb from the years before she’d met Dad?  I didn’t know, but now I really knew I had to find the old gypsie lady with the photo booth.  Had I really worn something my mother had worn before?  

I finished putting everything away and was seriously regretting my assurance to Natasha that I’d had no interest in her couch.  The dress and I were giving each other baleful looks (at least as baleful as an inanimate object can be).  People said I looked like my mother, I had her dark hair and stark features.  I couldn’t see it myself no matter how much I compared our pictures, but I got the sudden nostalgic longing to put on the dress and see if I could just catch a glimpse of her.  

It was silly of course.  And much harder in actuality.  But it’s much easier to do crazy things when you’re alone (at least for me).  On closer perusal the dress (if you could call it that) looked more like a cross between a Roman robe and something Guinevere would wear while kissing King Arthur. It only came to my knees though, and if it hadn't been so tattered, it would have actually looked cute with a pair of dark skinnies. My white knobby knees looked decidedly less flattering in it though and as I surveyed myself in the mirror I was disappointed and felt more than a little foolish when I didn't see my mother at all.  Just a twenty two year old medical student who may actually have been losing her grip on sanity.  

There was a thunderous crash outside that would have made me jump out of my already jumpy skin, if I hadn’t known exactly what it was.  

“Drat cat.” I muttered.  The neighbor, Mrs. Finch had a mammoth Bengal Shorthair who disdained organic liver from Whole Foods and preferred instead to rummage through our trash cans.  Kitty Poppins wasn’t allowed to roam outside for fear her dainty paws might be tarnished by alley cat life, so I opened the back door and tramped out like some sort of barefoot medieval witch.  But the trashcans were gone.  And there was no cat.  In fact I could swear I was standing in wagon ruts on a road that believed heavily in environmental preservation. All of this however was the least important of my unhelpful observations. My head was ringing and my stomach turned itself inside out as I emptied the contents of my stomach onto grass that should have been my pebbled backyard but was instead patchy grass. I thought vaguely that this was why one should never eat funnel cakes from a traveling kitchen. The corners started collapsing in on my vision, and I remembered with perfect clarity the paragraph on page eighty two of my first year functional medicine class. “Fainting (syncope) is a sudden loss of consciousness, usually temporary and typically caused by a lack of oxygen in the brain. The brain oxygen deprivation has many possible causes, including hypotens…



Chapter Two


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The 80/20 Beauty Rule

You know what sounds like a fabulous idea?  Taking economics and turning it into a (likely untrue) hypothesis about how to stay beautiful.  

“The Pareto principle (also known as the 80–20 rule, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity)[1] states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes”

If I had a nickel for every time I heard “...the 80/20 rule…” in a podcast, I would have enough money to buy myself a bottle of gel polish (or half a sheet of jamberry).   So it was only a matter of time before the light bulb went on and I realized what a gold mine this term was.  Mostly in validating...exonerating (?) my extremely complicated beauty regime.  //cough cough//

So here goes…


Your beauty products should work for you, not vice versa.  

If you’re spending 45 min doing your hair, but you live in a climate where it takes less than 3 hours before it looks worse than when you started… then the 80/20 rule is here to save your life (or at the very least give your more time in your day).  Currently, the trending beauty wisdom revolves around specific tips, but everyone is different, so the 80/20 rule is a system wide perspective vs a detailed one.  Pick the hairstyles, hair colors, makeup etc based on the intersection between your personal values and effectiveness.  Your body knows this even if you don’t, so listen to it.  Also, if you find yourself always skipping over a certain eyeshadow or mascara or lipstick, but you keep thinking you’ll still wear it?  Toss it or put it in a separate bag reserved for costume parties and small children.  You’ll have fun scrubbing off of the walls at some future point.

I ignored this to my detriment last week when I spent an obscene amount of time beating my hair into submission for a family portrait the beach.   Poseidon in all his fury wrecked havoc on my wanna-be Repunzelness in less than five minutes. may have been a record breaking 30 seconds, but I was in denial.  

Which leads me to my next point.  

It’s ok to have long hair that you only wear down when the President comes to town.

 Maybe this is dumb, but it was an epiphany to me.  It’s ok to have long hair you wear up 80% of the time.  Historically/anthropologically etc this wasn’t so unusual (You wouldn’t want to get suckered into weaving gold or anything because you forgot to put your cap on), but these days it seems like you need to defend long hair otherwise the temptation and pressure to cut it off gleams like shiny green grass on the other side of the fence.  So in case you needed an excuse for keeping your hair long even if you normally keep it in a ponytail or messy bun: It’s just the magic 80/20 rule at work.   

Only abuse your body occasionally

I love high heels, feel comfortable in high heels and would wear them all of the time if I didn’t live barefoot 80% of the time (are you catching a theme?).  I've noticed though, that feet tend to take on the shape of whatever shoe you force it to live in.  They’re like an old married couple where they gradually look and act so much like each other, they start to resemble each other. So don’t wear the same shoes all of the time unless you like pointy shaped feet with bunions.  Mix it up, go barefoot or wear something something structurally healthy.  And then wear killer high fashion whenever you feel like it...make that 20% count.  You win. Your feet win. Everybody wins. The same goes with your skin.  It's hard to keep your skin happy when you're constantly slathering it with dozens of products containing everything from ground wart hog eyelashes to the dw off the newborn skin of an endangered Colombian newt.  So you end up with the same dilemma: use organic makeup that costs twice as much (and you're pretty sure is just campfire soot mixed up with coconut oil) or feel guilty for ruining the environment and polluting your body's biggest organ (your SKIN! in case you missed the memo).  But feel guilty and stress out no longer.  With the 80/20 rule, feel free to go minimal and satiating most of the time and pull out the polyjuice potion for the 20%.  Ensure your face lasts a good 30 years longer.  Make your 20% work for you.   


(The 80/20 rule is one of those things you see everywhere once you know about it, so feel free to enlighten me.   I'm sure there are many more shortcuts to add.)    


Maybe being a medieval peasant wouldn't be so bad...

We just recently switched to a once a month grocery shopping budget and I feel a bit like a 17th century sea captain stocking a giant barquentine.  Granted my chicken these days comes pre-neck-wrung and sometimes even precooked by Squire Costco, but the modern trade off means I don’t spend my days tearing my hair out getting enough food for my family, instead I tear my hair out trying to make sure they’re literate and well educated.    

For kicks and giggles I added up our monthly food consumption:

58 lbs of Grains

186 lbs of Dairy

63 lbs of Meat

83 lbs Vegetables

61 lbs Fruit

9 lbs Fat

Total- 460 lbs of food

Which came out to be 2.5 lbs of food per person in our family (per day). That seemed like a tremendous amount of food to me, but according to the national health statistics the average American eats 4.5 lbs of food per day. However since we aren’t wasting away I have to assume we make up the rest in eating abroad. Also, that number is the mean average for our family, some of us consume far less...or more than others (Jamie...cough...Jamie).  

According to the FOA, the world average is 4 lbs/day, which is why America is a bit on the hefty size.  It’s intuitively obvious that height averages increase when there’s a max amount of minerals and nutrients being absorbed...but interestingly if you go too far over onto the obesity side of the graph, average height starts dropping again.   A lot of research suggests this is not because fat makes you short, but that the high processed diet making you fat, also makes it difficult for your gut to absorb any minerals and nutrients from your food.  

In further randomness, the average prosperous peasant in the Middle Ages ate 2-3 lbs of bread a day, 8 oz of meat/dairy and 3 pints of beer.   


I fully endorse this being the next new diet craze after the Paleo one dies fact I may be already on it.    


Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

We go through a gallon of yogurt a week.  Those cute little individual yogurts became a joke a long time ago and we switched to the grimmer “family size” pints that come in two awe inspiring flavors.  Strawberry and Vanilla.  My kids felt like this was the yogurt boneyard as there were no bouncing rabbits or superheros promising half sugar and healthy bones...but alas, my offspring punished me by consuming more yogurt, not less.  Our yogurt consumption got so out of hand I had a yogurt maker in my Amazon cart and was researching urban cows, when the ever classy Walmart answered all my yogurt dreams and started selling massive containers of the healthiest, plainest, fattiest, thickest yogurt I’d ever laid eyes on. I thought maybe my kids would turn up their delicate noses at it and I wouldn’t have to consider getting stock options in the dairy market, but instead they like it MORE.  (take that Mr. Rabbit)  

And this is what my gourmet cooking hobby has devolved into… freezer, crockpot, costco and hurling massive globs of soured milk at my children while I rotate long division, phonegrams and the principal parts of verbs (and that’s on a good day).

I lost the baby tonight. I was making dinner and thinking wispy nonsensical thoughts when it occurred to me I’m not usually allowed such luxury.  I was missing my stalwart sidekick. The (normally) naked one who dismantles the Tupperware cupboard and starts a rock band in the pots and pans… he wasn’t with any of his brothers and I checked the house twice before moving on to the backyard and garage.  I was telling myself not to panic and that he had to be around here somewhere when I was casually informed he’d gone out the front door “to look for dad”, which was a big problem considering dad wasn’t home.  After running up and down the street debating whether I should start hollering like a madwoman in hopes I could enlist some neighbors, I decided to check the house one more time.  Of course I found him… happily behind my bathroom door with a palette of last year's Halloween makeup which he was dutifully painting all over himself and everything else .  He jumped up and down with excitement flapping his arms and jabbering in what I could only translate as “Look Ma! I’m going to be the next Rembrandt!”.  

We’re reading “Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll for book club, and I’m having a strong case of nostalgia.  That same feeling you get when you hear an old song, or smell something that reminds you of your great grandmother’s pot roast.  Unfortunately, my 2016 middle aged brain is a little horrified my seven year old self was in love with a book written by a creepy mathematician who was so obsessed with three little girls he wrote out the story he’d been telling them.  One of the questions for our book club is “ Do you consider this book to be an adult’s view of childhood, or a child’s view of adulthood?”  and the question contributed not a little to the aforementioned lost baby episode.


As an adult it seems surely the book had its origins at Burning Man or something, but I also distinctly remember consuming the book as a child and thinking it made perfect sense…. Which makes Mr. Author Man a bit more creepy, not less...hmm.   It has very little in the way of plot (like most Romantic Era books. cough cough), but lots of pretty words.   I still have the same, beautifully bound hardcover that captured my attention as a child, so I strategically left it out today for my own children (to see if it would capture their attention), but the only comment I got was, “Oooh, we can use that book to hold down the corner of our fort!”. And thus it went back on the shelf to continue its Velveteen Rabbit existence.  

...maybe in a few years I’ll give it and my cookbooks another shot?